Maintenance hoist crane

Protect and maintain your material handling and lifting equipment with our tailored preventative maintenance services.

Our skilled technicians will come to see you at your convenience in order to inspect your equipment. We can schedule quarterly, semi-annual, or annual inspections. While there, we may be able to combine OSHA recommended safety training along with the inspection. 

At the end of your inspection, you will be supplied with a copy of your inspection report. This will convey important information such as what needs to be replaced, and what to expect in the coming months.

During the Preventive Maintenance inspection, we take the time to adjust the brakes and fine-tune the minor adjustments to your equipment. A quality Crane Preventative Maintenance Program, such as one that we provide, is recommended and well worth your consideration.  We want to help you protect your investment in your overhead cranes, your jib cranes, and your hoists so that you get quality longevity and quality production from your material handling equipment.

Let's face it, time is money. The more time you are down the more money you are losing. Our Preventative Maintenance Program is designed to identify things that fail as well as potential problems. This low cost service will keep your cranes and hoists running properly with much less risk of downtime. The money you will save on costly repairs when something breaks that could have been prevented will more than make up for the cost. Not to mention little if any downtime.